I am ashamed to say that it has been exactly two months since Sarah and Sean’s wedding…. I’ve been slacking with the blogging this season.  I know awhile  back I promised three posts a week, and since then, I’ve been good to get two out a week.  But the good news is, the wedding season is winding down and I only have three weddings left—which will give me a plethora of time to blog, blog, blog.  So all of you patient clients of mine—-thank you, and know that you’re wedding post is right around the corner!

Sarah and Sean were married at noon on Crested butte mountain.  This posed for some interesting lighting, but Sarah grew up in Gunnison, just outside of Crested butte and knew that the wind and rain come in during the afternoon.  She was right–it did get windy and rainy later in the afternoon, and Sarah and Sean dodged all that and had a beautiful ceremony and jaunt up to the top of the mountain for an hour of alone time and some portraits.  It was a small, intimate wedding with only about 20 guests and the time allotted for photographs was a photographer’s dream.  After coming back down from the mountain, Sarah and Sean were greeted by their friends and family at the Saucy Noodle in Crested Butte with bubbles and cheers.  It was a perfect, July wedding…