If my blog is anything like a personal journal that I keep—-I have fallen terribly short in content—or at least in updating content…  However, while I am about two weeks behind  I think I’ll treat these next few blog posts as a journal and sort of narrate my trip—minus all the personal stuff that most people would gag at or be horribly bored with…

We (Regina, Paige, Anne and I) arrived in Paris after a very long day of flying.  We were supposed to make a connection into Paris from Chicago, but of course (it was chicago afterall) were delayed and missed our flight into Paris.  We ended up having to fly from Chicago to London, and then finally to Paris.  Unfortunately, because of this delay I missed out on my first shoot that was supposed to take place the day we arrived at 2pm.  We arrived at 5pm, and had no daylight left.  Bummer! On the other hand, we were all very jet lagged and probably not in the best spirits for a shoot.  Did I mention that American Airlines lost our luggage?  Well, actually not mine.  I try to pack very light when traveling internationally and was able to carry on my luggage.  Regina, Anne and Paige, however were without clothes for a couple of days.

I think this shot below really represents how everybody felt the first morning in Paris.  Hee hee!   Once we sucked down a couple of cafe au laits, we were able to move on to the flea markets.  We went to Clingancourt to the Marche aux puces.



We only took the metro once–which was crazy to me…  I have always spent so much time in the metro on all my last trips to Paris. But on this trip, we were pretty much able to walk everywhere.  Paris is only 2 miles long and we were staying on the left bank in St. Germain, so all the “attractions” besides the flea market were within walking distance.  I will say however, that I have a love affair with the metro and kind of missed it on this trip.  Is this sick?  I got this shot of a canoodling couple on the one ride we did take.


Below are a few shots of the flea market….  best shopping I’ve done in years!  Seriously.








I love this image of Anne— not only the humor of it, but the beautiful view from our flat as well.
