It was such a treat to get to work with the Bozarth’s again. I shot Nicole’s sister, Danielle’s wedding exactly a year earlier….  I think it’s quite adorable, actually that they share the same anniversary!  It will certainly be easy for Diane and Howard to remember when to send out those cards!

Nicole and Jeff are two of the most genuine people.  What you see is what you get from them—which is always kindness and warmth.  Jeff seems fiercely loyal to his friends and family,  and his love for Nicole radiates….  I love the last three images from this post—I think they speak more than any words that I put down here….

Check out this runway, yo!  Diane, Nicole’s mother completely coordinated this wedding herself.  I thought I had seen all the “bells and whistles” of a well coordinated and decorated event, but this runner takes the cake for the best one yet!