Generally, I am working my tail off on Sundays…. which may precisely be the reason why I long for a good ole’ fashioned sabbath. It seems every time I have to work on a Sunday, I start whining to Jesse about how lucky he is, and how, if I had the day off, I’d be doing….. blah dee blah, etc, etc…. So today, I sat down for a minute or 10, and tried to think about what I really would do if I had the Sunday off. Of course it really depends on what time of year it is, so I’ll keep it to a summer Sunday. (This may be my most boring post ever, but humor me, I’m dreaming)!

If I had a summer Sunday off, I would sleep in until 11am. (Jesse sleeps in until 12 or 1, so I’d have the morning to myself). I’d make a strong, steaming pot of french press coffee when I’d wake up and sit out by my fountain to enjoy the morning caffeine. I’d then read for about an hour( depending on the heat, I’d do it in my hammock, but since it’s been 90+degrees in Denver lately, I’d sit in the shade). Right now I’m reading “The fool’s Progress” by Edward Abby which is very good.

After that, I would head to duo or the Berkshire for bottomless mimosas. I’d get a little buzzed, come home and take a nap, and then a shower where I would exfoliate with my favorite Aveda Caribbean salt scrub, shave my legs, do an extra conditioning treatment on my hair and then sit around in my robe for awhile. To avoid getting lured in my computer, I would then take the dogs for a walk to the farmers market where I would buy a bunch of fresh veggies and herbs for cooking an amazing dinner. I’d of course pick up a bottle of wine, since we can now purchase alcohol on Sundays—probably a Portuguese red. After dinner, I’d sit out by the fountain again with Jesse and talk politics, religion and traveling (I’m still trying to get Jesse across the Atlantic). Then, when we’d have nothing more to argue about, we’d retire to veg in front of the tube. I’d either watch a series on HBO, or a good David Lynch movie. I’d take a bath (because you really can’t get enough water therapy these days), and go to bed in 500 thread count linen sheets—preferably just laundered and white.

However, I did work today, so I’ll have to do this another Sunday. Until then, enjoy the shots!