Life with Ramona
My darling daughter Ramona—My love, my life, my moon–This is the first time I’m writing to you since you brightened my life with your arrival.ย I think I haven’t written a word because this love letter seems infinitely important–there is a lot of pressure around knowing that you will be reading this one day and I want to completely express my adoration for you.ย How do I find the diction to express my love for you?ย I love you, I love you, I love you, my precious girl.ย I love you.ย You are everything I could only imagine and more.ย You used to kick, punch, flip and speak to me when you were in the womb and now I see those same punches and kicks when you have something to say.ย Your strong will and spirit are already blowing my mind.ย I’m so proud of your strength and fire.ย But of course I knew you would have fire.ย You are my daughter.
Something happened to me on the morning you were born–it is as if I were reborn—for I honestly have a new heart.ย And as wonderful as this new heart is, it simply can’t hold all this emotion that I have for you.ย I brim over with tears daily just staring into your deep eyes.ย What color will they be? When something startles and scares you to tears, I also well up.ย My heart is entirely yours. I remember a few days after you were born, my mom (your Grammy) was watching you at night so I could get some sleep.ย I went to bed in a separate room andย started crying because I couldn’t be away from you.ย I couldn’t even sleep because I missed you in my arms.ย I was aftraid that I’d miss something if I closed my eyes.ย So I cralwed into bed with you and Grammy and cried while I stroked your fuzzy, sweet smelling head.ย It was such a precious moment with the two most important women in my life–my life lines.ย There we were–three generations of strong women, cuddling in bed and crying.
It’s not just my heart that you’ve brought to life.ย It’s my spirit, too.ย I’m young again and alive.ย Yesterday you, your dad and I all went for a walk.ย You were asleep in your stroller when I noticed a tree covered with white fluffy blossoms and I almost woke you up knowing how much you’d love that tree and the way it spread across the pristine blue sky. You love contrast and texture these days.ย You see, it’s you, my Ramona who have opened my eyes to life again.ย A year ago I never would have noticed that tree, those blossoms, that perfect Colorado sky.ย Now every puddle, every bumble bee, every cloud,ย seems so significant because through you, I am seeing things new again.
While the days have certainly gotten longer and these last 2 months have seemed like one long sleepless day, I am enjoying every second with you.ย Even when you’re screaming so loud and your face is so red, I think it might catch fire, I’m hanging on to every moment knowing that in just a few months you’ll be crawling out of my arms.ย In just a year you’ll be walking and your head won’t fit perfectly in my palm.ย The fuzz on your ears will be gone and you won’t be stroking my breast, but eating from a spoon.ย Dance parties in your nursury will be less about rocking you to sleep to Gregory Alan Isokov and more about entertaining you.ย When we rock out to Girl Talk, I’ll be more worried about the diction you’ll pick up.ย But I know I’ll savor those moments too. Your first scraped knee (which I’m sure I’ll cry about more than you) will also be a milestone.ย The first time you pick up a rolly polly, play in a sandbox, bark back at a dog…ย AWWWWWW….ย My life has just begun.ย How amazing this circle of life is. Just when I thought I had nothing left to look forward to, here you come to rock my world.ย God is so good, Ramona. I hope you find himย sooner rather than later (on your own, of course).
My hope is that one day you’ll be where I am–sitting on a patio drinking a margarita and crafting a love letter to your daughter.ย I hope you’ll realize you’re in love with your life as I am now.ย I hope you’ll be courageous enough to do what’s right.ย That you’ll “poo-poo” the approval of others, that you’ll see a daffodil and the way it turns its face to the sun and smile in peace.ย Iย hope you’ll be full of joy–full of love and that you’ll hang on to every dream you’ve ever had.ย I hope you find your “Paris”.
You have awakened me, my love.ย And life will never look the same.
Ramona Moon means “wise defender”, and a “light source in the darkness”.ย I pray that you’ll always to defend the good, and I know that you will always reflect the light of the son.ย I love you, sweet girl.
Love eternally,
your mama
You love staying up late with your mom and dad and watching TV.ย We love it too… sweet moments.
I love your face right before your cry.ย I really do.
You were so tiny at 2 weeks!ย Now you’re a chubbler at 2 months.ย My, how you can change in just days…
1 month old!
On your 1 month old birthday, I drove you East to the farm to meet my grandma, Ramona.ย The amazing woman you were named after.ย She is pretty smitten with you and thinks you are gorgeous.ย You are, by the way.ย Very beautiful.
You also got to meet your 2nd cousins, Jack, Madelyn, lydia and Avery…
You light up in Grammy’s arms.
…and in Dad’s.
He loves to put you in your “magic chair” and talk to you.ย You pretty much talk back.
Sometimes we make breakfast while you sleep in the magic chair…
My very favorite thing to do with you is to take a bath together.ย Your Dad took this shot with his phone.ย Look at your precious face.
You absolutely love your wooden mobile.
… and your friends Mr Monster and the owl, “Coon”.
oh, Wow! A letter to be treasured and photographs that make a lasting picture in my mind. I’m proud of your sweet little family! You know a mama’s love….and I love you so much!
What a beautiful letter to your darling little girl. And the photos are fabulous! Julie, you yourself are a miracle – the way this little girl has turned you inside out and upside down. I see a new you! How precious!!!!!
Dear Julie,
As I look at your pics, I thank God for the gift He has given you and how well you have embraced and refined it. I haven’t met this sweet babe yet but her story, through your photos, makes me feel like I know her already. Her varied expressions from joy, to peace to “should I really trust these little girls with my life?!” are so delightful.
Thank you for sharing
My love and prayers to you all.
Absolute love. It’s incredible how a kid can change your life around. This was very refreshing this Friday morning before I start a day of working missing my 7 month old at day care. Well done Julie. [Friend of Amy’s]
The biggest smile on my face!!!! And by far my favorite is the meaning of her name. Her and lucy are fairly similar. Lucia Ruth is a light-bringer, friend and companion.
I am so excited for your fierce defender!
This is beautiful. She is beautiful. Your intense mother-love for her is beautiful. I was brought to tears and smiles while reading this. You are blessed, and I look forward to seeing her grow into a beautiful woman of God.
so beautiful. Love your letter.
Oh Julie! So beautifully written, I cried. Life is filled so many surprises and ones that can move mountains. I can’t wait to see where both your paths lead. I’m so beyond elated for you and Jesse! *hugs*
Beautiful! Can’t wait to see more!!! Love the waffle shot. ๐
Your letter and pictures are so very precious. I love Ramona’s adoring expresion to you in the tub!. Love is indescribable! You’ve caught glimpses of it in your pictures and words.
Gorgeous photos Julie; Congratulations – there is no love like the love of a parent and only being a father I cannot imagine what it is like for you as a mother, but I know what its like for me and its amazing…..words cannot describe it.
Lovely wife –
Thank you for writing so eloquently about your great love for our daughter. You put into words so many of the thoughts and feelings I’ve had as well. Ramona/Monie/Moonshine/Goons/Gooner is nothing short of a great and amazing and remarkable gift from God. I love seeing you as a mother and I love being a Dad. I too will sit down soon and draft a letter and meditation about this new being who has ushered in so much love and feeling and consciousness to our lives. Thanks for being such an awesome and lovely mom to our Remarkable Ramona. I am truly a wealthy man.
Amazing and Stunning. Your words are as beautiful as your pictures. I marvel at your gifts. i am so lucky to have you and your family in my life!
Crying! You are SO amazing! I am SO proud and honored to know you!! I have watched this process unfold and it is truly inspirational! LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Wow! Loved your letter to that precious gift from God. All I can say is “God saw all that He had made and it was very good.”! God bless you all! Love, Mary
Had a rough day today personally…then….I looked at your blog (thanks to your mama sending the link)…and I’m feeling like I just read about a little slice of heaven. Amazing what another’s joy, so beautifully expressed, can do to lift another’s spirits..Mamahood is the most wonderful experience in the world…you’re off to an amazing adventure. Thanks for sharing it with me.
Julie, what a beautiful love-letter to your beautiful little girl. Thanks for sharing your love with the rest of us!
I love her! Yes, she truly is beautiful. I feel like it is such a privilege becoming a mom. Julie you are such an artist. These photos are beautiful, however my favorite is the one your husband took in the tubby. It is able to show what is in your heart without even showing your face. I think it pairs perfectly with your letter.
Thank you. Thank you lovely Jewels for sharing your heart and love for your Jewel, Ramona Moon. My riches have been multiplied. Hallelujah!!!
Hi Julie, We haven’t met, but what a beautiful letter to your daughter. Beautiful photos, beautiful baby girl. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing these intimate moments.
Well … I couldn’t wait for this moment. To see what your incrediable ‘eye’ would find after becoming a mother. And it is your heart. Thanks for sharing the beginning of Ramona. Can’t wait to see where this leads you in your career as a photographer. Blessings to you and your family.
Beautiful images and I love the story behind them:)
Very cute! Nice work Julie!
Lovely words and images, Julie. Congrats to you and Jesse!
Great work! You’re clearly very talented.
your baby girl is to cute, and your photography is amazing!!!
Though I only ‘know’ you through the sensitivity of your work — it is plain to see that you are an exceptional person, both in talent and in spirit. Sweet Ramona is a gift to you, and now, in turn, you can use your gift (of photography) to share her with everyone else. Your use of words and imagery are breathtaking. You are a rare talent, indeed! Love to visit your blog space and constantly be inspired. Enjoy that little ‘wise defender’ of yours! xoMar
Love the one of you in the bath together! That is how I gave both my babies baths. Such great bonding time. ๐