What can I say about Krissy and Andy that these images don’t show?  They are probably the most fun loving couple I have ever worked with— seriously. Just take a look at their wedding party.  It doesn’t surprise me that they each had 10 attendants, simply because I bet these two have so many friends, that they don’t even know what to do with them all–except party, of course!   This was a couple that when I walked away from their wedding, I thought to myself, “I really want to be friends with these cats”!   The reception was a riot and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a catering staff or venue coordinator so flustered by such a party!  At one point, I even saw a book on fire!….  I don’t know what that was about.

Aside from the best party of the summer, Krissy and Andy also had a lovely, very intimate and well thought out ceremony that really catered to their personalities.  Krissy, being catholic and Andy Jewish, they integrated traditions and proverbs that suited their union as two unique souls.  I was very moved….

How rad is Krissy?  I loved this Veil!  There are only so many brides that could pull this off—Krissy was certainly one of them!

… and check out the shoes!


You’ve gotta love the Hora—it’s not always the easiest thing to photograph, but when you do get a shot—there is always drama and excitement!