Let me first start out by staying that I don’t just make up nice things to say about my clients to make these posts sound more romantic or interesting. I think long and hard about what makes each wedding/union special and stand out from others so that each wedding post is as unique as the couple that I work with. That being said, I know that I often say in my posts, that “this couple is so in love”, or that “they belong together”, etc, etc. These things are true—and let’s hope so, because these are weddings that I am blogging, afterall.

However, there is something so amazing about the love between Julie and Ryan. I felt so completely hopeful and amazed by them that I actually left feeling like I wanted to fall in love all over again with my husband. This love that exists between Julie and Ryan is true and once in a lifetime and totally magic— seriously what girls dream of all their lives—- TRUE LOVE! The way they kissed each other and looked at each other and cried over how wowed they were with each other…. it was simply a fairytale wedding, and is a fairytale love.

To top it off, these are two of the most beautiful and kind people I have ever met. Julie is a sweetheart. Just a complete doll, and Ryan adores her. There are really no words to describe how much I loved being a part of this day. I actually think it may have changed my perspective of love forever. Truly.

…wow—hope these images can live up to this rave! ;)

Julie and Ryan decided to see each other before the wedding to share a private moment. I love this when my couples let me share this moment with them, and allow me really key into the moment when the groom first sees his bride—Ryan’s reaction was, well, stunned.

Julie is actually clutching her heart here…. what emotion!

I love the emotion that spills out in these next two images…. Julie and Ryan could not hold back their tears.

….and joy!

I did not set up this shot—this was taken right after the wedding party recessional. Everybody was cheering and celebrating—-for good reason! Look at these two!