Dreaming of Ramona
Today is my birthday and I’m taking it easy.ย I should probably go for a swim or a long walk to encourage my little monkey to come today–because truly, that’s what I’d really like for my birthday, but alas–I don’t think she’s quite ready.ย Some things can only be hoped for and I’m sure Ramona will appreciate having her own birthday.ย We’ll still celebrate our January birthdays together.ย I’ll pull her out of School for a week and we’ll go to Paris… or we’ll go shopping together and bake each other cakes.ย I simply can’t wait.ย I can’t believe how transformative these last 9 months have been.ย I never knew I even wanted children and now I’m completely in love with a little person in my belly that I haven’t even met yet.ย My soul is at peace and I feel different somehow.ย I’m a better person.ย More alive–like my life has a different purpose other than partying and living for myself.ย I can’t wait to meet her.ย So today, on my birthday, I’ll keep dreaming of this little bean and spend some time putting the finishing touches on her room…ย which happens to be the best room in our home.ย Only the best, I guess for Ramona….ย Cheers, little lady–to our January birthdays.ย I am eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Julie that room is awesome! Love your decorating taste:) And that wooden camera? Perfect! Oh and that stained glass window above her changing table? So jealous.
Congratulations to you!
Holy Moly Julie, that room is gorgeous! I’m so excited for you and Jesse! God is good, and Ramona is one lucky little girl. ๐
So much love. Happy Birthday sweet mama
Oh Julie, this is the most charming baby’s room I have ever seen! I adore it! Hope you are having a lovely, and relaxing birthday! I just loved this post, I can’t wait to meet little Ramona.
Great post. Happy Birthday! I’m excited to see the pictures from you and Ramona’s first trip to Paris.
OMB! Oh my breathtaking!!! Vintage and charming. Love the little shoes on the shelf (which, I am guessing once belonged to you or Jesse). That gorgeous stained-glass window! Every last detail! Incredible!!!! Ramona is going to be the sweetest addition to your life – ever! Excited to see her through your lens!!
Don’t mind me while I cry a little bit. I am so, so excited. This is going to be an incredible journey!!!
Oh man, tears just flood to my eyes. I can’t believe you’re about to have a little baby! Ramona!?!?! My heart can barely take it.
I know the feeling you described, which is what got the waterworks going over here. What an amazing feeling that is. I’ll be praying she comes quickly and that your experience is amazing.
Good Luck Julie!
PS the room is just perfect.
Julie these are AMAZING! I am having a hard time typing through the goosebumps! I love you! XOXO
Just beautiful Julie. Enjoy this time and the next few months they are truly the best. Many blessings.
Julie. Your writing, your wording, your lens, your spirit, absolute perfection. The simplicity and depth of sharing the same month of birth as your precious peach and the potential for trips to Paris together… leave me breathless, wordless, and in complete awe of your connection to your sweet Ramona already. I couldn’t be more moved by this post. I’m in tears, taking in some of your best work.
I want to live here! Beautiful play on light and shadow.
Her room is absolutely adorable! Happy Birthday! This little lady is awfully lucky to have you waiting for her on the other side. ๐
ah, cousin! how i love that post. i know so, so how you feel. ramona’s room is beautiful. i can’t wait to hear more about her and about you!
I see the books Mikey and I picked out for your sweet Ramona!! Love.
Happy Birthday and much much love and peace to you as you welcome your baby!
Can’t wait to meet her! Happy Birthday!
Love your style in decorating, in photographs and life in general! Congratulations on your new little Ramona! Really can not wait to meet her too…on the blog of course.
Happy Birthday (a little late), Julie! The room is GORGEOUS. You have done a phenomenal job with it, and the photos are dreamy. Love it! Thinking of you.
This room is amazing, Julie! That stained-glass window; the antique furnishings, all your little touches (and your Mom’s) – fabulous. Publishable! We are eagerly awaiting with you!
Ahh…Julie!! I was all weepy when I read your post and looked at the pictures. Can’t wait to meet Ramona. Love the name! ๐ Keeping you and Ramona in my prayers as I wait for news…
Thank you for sharing. Simply amazing! Can’t wait to see her in jpg … ๐
HI Julie- I just found your site! I love how you seem to capture life in a beautiful and non intrusive way, just letting it happen. I especially loved this post, having a small baby myself. You have a GREAT eye. Thanks!