Today is my birthday and I’m taking it easy.ย  I should probably go for a swim or a long walk to encourage my little monkey to come today–because truly, that’s what I’d really like for my birthday, but alas–I don’t think she’s quite ready.ย  Some things can only be hoped for and I’m sure Ramona will appreciate having her own birthday.ย  We’ll still celebrate our January birthdays together.ย  I’ll pull her out of School for a week and we’ll go to Paris… or we’ll go shopping together and bake each other cakes.ย  I simply can’t wait.ย  I can’t believe how transformative these last 9 months have been.ย  I never knew I even wanted children and now I’m completely in love with a little person in my belly that I haven’t even met yet.ย  My soul is at peace and I feel different somehow.ย  I’m a better person.ย  More alive–like my life has a different purpose other than partying and living for myself.ย  I can’t wait to meet her.ย  So today, on my birthday, I’ll keep dreaming of this little bean and spend some time putting the finishing touches on her room…ย  which happens to be the best room in our home.ย  Only the best, I guess for Ramona….ย  Cheers, little lady–to our January birthdays.ย  I am eagerly awaiting your arrival.